My family is moving back to this area. YAY!!!!! What does that mean to you? Umm, probably not a whole lot, except I will be cooking regularly again..hence.. new/more recipes! * the crowd snores..I mean roars*
I am making this on Saturday. It is easy, can be kid friendly or strictly adult, depending on your taste buds. Once you have the basics, feel free to improvise, substitiute, and personalize.
7 Layer Dip
16 oz. sour cream ( light okay, fat free works if you are truly brave )
8 oz. cream cheese ( ^^^^^^^)
chopped lettuce
chopped tomatoes
here is where it gets optional...
re fried beans ( black beans, or any bean of choice )
seasoned ground meat ( can use turkey )
jalapenos, sliced
shredded cheese ( your choice )
chopped cilantro
onions, diced
Mix the sour cream and softened cream cheese together til smooth; spread on dish/platter
layer according to your desire w/ingredients of your choice.
I have made the stripped down version for kids ( base, lettuce, cheese/lettuce, tomato, cheese/lettuce, meat,cheese etc)
and I make the everything but the kitchen sink version...usually on the same night lol
The best thing about this dish is it can be personalized ..and easily split into a couple of dishes to accommodate different tastes.
Helpful hint...
base can be spread on dish/platter and covered w/lettuce, covered and refrigerated. Hold off on the tomatoes,salsa, anything that will add liquid, until just before serving.
I use pita chips, tortilla chips, Scoops, and soft flour tortillas when I serve; 2 of the girls like the flour tortillas cut into quarters so they can make wraps with the dip.